niedziela, 26 kwietnia 2015


It's a Pyrkon weekend! Like every year there's a Pyrkon in Poznań, a great event which gathers all fantasy, science-fiction and comic book fans, something like Comic-con in San Diego, USA, but a little bit smaller. Like they say about their mission on their website:
 Comic-Con International: San Diego is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular artforms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.
Unfortunately, I couldn't participate in it this year, but I'm going to next year. I just have to prepare my costume. A propos costumes, I've seen a lot of different and creative outfits this weekend, like: Sailor Moon and her friends: Sailors: Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, some elves, hobbits, Darth Maul from Star Wars, and many many others. So I have to beat all of them next year to get the award for the best costume: 5000zł. Awesome, right?

Well, may, 8th I'm going to cinema for a marathon with the Avengers from 10 pm till about 6 am, I can't wait to watch it. I have a great seat and I hope there won't be any teen groups talking, throwing popcorn, laughing or kissing loudly, I hope there will be only devoted fans like me, who will appreciate the 3D technology, Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Hulk. There will be 3 movies: The Avengers, Captain America: Winter Soldier and The Avengers: Age of Ultron. So I have to be „sober” and fully concentrated to the end because the last movie is a premiere, and the other two I have already seen (they're great by the way), and I still have no idea how I'm gonna do this. I think I'm gonna take a lot of coffee and snacks, maybe some redbull drink or something like that.

By the way, when I mentionned Winter Soldier, it reminded me about a video on youtube featuring Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie:

Funny, right? I think it's the only funny ice bucket challenge vid I've watched.

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